• Demokrati i kirke og menighet. Kap. 5 

      Grimstad, Frank (Chapter, 2021)
      This chapter discusses democracy in the context of the church means and its consequences for governance and leadership. The chapter looks at historical and current assessments of the understanding of church democracy and ...
    • Institusjonelle rammer for kirkelig ledelse. Kap. 6 

      Grimstad, Frank (Chapter, 2021)
      Management can hardly be understood irrespective of the context in which it unfolds. This is also the case with ecclesiastical leadership. Nevertheless, the management literature has rarely incorporated how different aspects ...
    • Personalkonflikter i kirkens arbeidsmiljø som en ledelsesutfordring. Kap. 11 

      Sirris, Stephen; Grimstad, Frank (Chapter, 2021)
      The perception that conflicts are unavoidable and natural derives from paradoxical developments in modern work life, with increasing cooperation, democratization, and individual specialization. This chapter asks: How have ...
    • Utviklingstrekk i organisering og ledelse i Den norske kirke. Kap. 3 

      Sirris, Stephen; Askeland, Harald; Grimstad, Frank (Chapter, 2021)
      This chapter provides an account of central aspects in the modern development of organization and leadership in the Church of Norway. By narrating the growth of organizational, managerial and professional dimensions embedded ...